The following filetypes/extensions is included:
- Acrobat Reader - Files of type:
- Compression - Files of type:
- .zip
- .rar
- Excecutables - Files of type:
- .exe
- Movies - Files of type:
- .avi
- .mkv
- .mov
- .mp4
- .mpeg
- .vob
- MS Office (from 2003 - 2010) - Files of type:
- (Access) .accdb
- (Word) .doc
- (PowerPoint) .pps
- (PowerPoint) .ppt
- (Excel) .xls
- 3.3 - Files of type:
- (Textdocument) .odt
- (Textdocument template) .ott
- (Main document) .odm
- (HTML Template) .oth
- (Math) .ods
- (Math Template) .ots
- (Drawing) .odg
- (Drawing template) .otg
- (Presentation).odp
- (Presentation template) .otp
- (Formula document) .odf
- (Database) .odb
- (Extension) .oxt
- Pictures
- .bmp
- .gif
- .jpg
- .jpeg
- .png
- Sound/Music - Files of type:
- .aac
- .aiff
- .m4p
- .mp3
- .wav
- .wma
- Temporary Files - Files of type:
- .tmp
- Textfiles - Files of type:
- .rtf
- .txt

Example of what and how to enter filetype ('*.txt' means all files of type .txt)

The different choices in extensions